Z-plasty - tradução para Inglês
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Z-plasty - tradução para Inglês

Z-plasties; Z plasties; Z plasty
  • Diagram of a Z-plasty procedure.

رَأْبٌ بشَكْلِ Z
Z plasty         
‎ رَأْبٌ بشَكْلِ Z‎
  • Phoenician Zayin
  • Proto-Sinaitic Zayin
  • 20px
Z; Geschwänztes Z; Geschwänztes z; Tailed z; Geschwaenztes Z; Geschwaenztes z; Geschwanztes z; Geschwanztes Z; Z (letter); 𝓩; Z with tail; Long-tailed z; ASCII 90; ASCII 122; \x5A; U+005A; U+007A; Letter Z; Zett; Tailed Z
اسْم : الحرف السادس والعشرون من الأبجدية الإنكليزية


Z1 [z?d, US zi:]
(also z)
¦ noun (plural Zs or Z's)
1. the twenty-sixth letter of the alphabet.
2. denoting the next after Y in a set of items, categories, etc.
3. (usu. z) the third unknown quantity in an algebraic expression.
denoting the third axis in a three-dimensional system of coordinates.
4. used in repeated form to represent buzzing or snoring.
catch some (or a few) Zs N. Amer. informal get some sleep.
¦ abbreviation Zambia (international vehicle registration).
¦ symbol Chemistry atomic number.



Z-plasty is a versatile plastic surgery technique that is used to improve the functional and cosmetic appearance of scars. It can elongate a contracted scar or rotate the scar tension line. The middle line of the Z-shaped incision (the central element) is made along the line of the greatest tension or contraction, and triangular flaps are raised on opposite sides of the two ends and then transposed. The length and angle of each flap are usually the same to avoid mismatched flaps that may be difficult to close. Some possible complications of Z-plasty include flap necrosis, haematoma (blood clot) formation under the flaps, wound infection, trapdoor effect and sloughing (necrosis) of the flap caused by wound tension and inadequate blood supply.

Exemplos de pronúncia para Z-plasty
1. And so what you do is perform what's called a Z-plasty where you rearrange the skin flaps
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